How do I delete an item from my cart?
When you are in the shopping cart, scroll to the far right. Next to the price is an (X). Click on the (X) to delete an item from your cart. 

How long does it take to process personalized orders?  Personalized orders are ready to ship within 1-2 business days from our warehouse in Columbus, OH via UPS Shipping. Click on this link to view a UPS map to see transit times: www.kidstravelzone.com/shipping-returns/.

Can you change the colors in the images? 
Yes, just type the colors that you want to change in the field marked "Special Instructions". For example, we can change skin color, hair color, uniform colors, animal colors, etc.

How can I see more images? 
Send us an email to: office@kidstravelzone.com and be specific on what images you would like to see. We will then email you pictures.

How do I order an image that is not listed? 
Type the name of the image in the field marked "Other Image" when ordering. If we do not have that image, we will contact you.

Does the name appear above or below the image? 
All images are embroidered above the name unless otherwise specified.

Where do you put the second image if I order 2 images? 
Both images will be placed in the same area and arranged to best fit both images and name. When ordering 2 images, both images have to be smaller compared to only one image.

Is it safe to have a child's name on the bag? 
If you don't feel safe putting the child's name on the bag, we recommend putting only an image or initials and image.

Are you looking for Adult luggage?
Please visit our Brand Name luggage site: https://www.luggagepersonalized.com/